Friday, March 27, 2009

things are changing rapidly

It's been just short of 100 days for President Obama, and I am still totally, completely in the bag for him. I try to imagine what it's like to work in the White House Communications office.... how completely awesome it is that you have a "client" who not only understands new media, but knows how and when to use it.
I probably would not have pushed for a virtual Town Hall (held yesterday), fearing oversaturation. But this President may not accept the premise of oversaturation - he's everywhere, all of the time. Gotta dig that. But is this level of accessibility sustainable? (If the W.H. Comms office needs extra help - call me!)

I"m pretty good at doing nothing

I took this week off from work in order to vanquish the chaos from my house, and in between doing real heavy lifting, I discovered I'm pretty good at doing absolutely nothing. I may be the laziest person on the planet. Certainly I'm the laziest person in New York.
I took a great video of Phoebe, though - so I've done one awesome thing this week!