One of Dad's frequently annoying all-encompassing statements was, and possibly still is, "Attitude is Everything." I still roll my eyes when I hear it - even if the voice saying it is in my head.
One of the troubles at work is about attitude. Leaders think they need to *do* more than they *decide*. I say: Wrong! (Or as my brother would say to an Asian-American: "You're not right, you're Wong!" - and you politically correct can shove it...)
One of the troubles I am personally having is that I'm not fully experiencing the New York Experience. I work, I come home, I eat a tasty sandwich and I watch TV... while... working. I have this beautiful energetic city all around me and it's little more than a background to the life I imported from Atlanta. I should really work on making a New York life. The thing about New York is that it makes you start to want. You start to think, "I really should be *doing* something with my life." Like making a living working for a really cool company in the world's capital isn't enough. I swear, I'm starting to think Roseanne has a better sitcom life than my real one. I almost said "At least she's married" but the last thing I want is to be married. Especially to Dan Connors. Nice guy... but I don't want to live in Lanford.
So at least I'm already harboring secret plans for the day I *leave* the City. I'm thinking: Small New England town, small business in the city square, making enough to pay the cable bill and order from my favorite catalogs, living a secret life as a best-selling author who runs into the man of her dreams on the side of the road. I help him change a flat tire. Or he helps me change a flat tire. All I know is that one of us drives a beat-up Ford truck. I have no idea where that comes from.