- love the "Genius" on iTunes. don't love the delay synching to the mother ship when i open iTunes.
- i've never really gotten into "Lost."
- Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix shows up as "Phoenix" on your artist list on iTunes. Loves them.
- These allergies are making me sad.
- i'm reading "Team of Rivals" as well as "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man."
- i think I'm at a cross roads in my life. Only i don't see any road signs.
- Phoebe Cats has been very vocal lately.
- i think i have an over-developed sense of betrayal.
- i absent-mindedly reached for a cigarette today. which scared the living BLEEP out of me. (quit Oct 13 2008)
- i keep waiting for my ears to pop but they won't. it's like tinnitus but more like swimmer's ear. in a word, YUCK.
And that about sums it up.