I always thought Barbara Bush was cool. It all started when she broke her leg sledding with the grandkids.
When you combine her totally insentive words about the "underpriveleged" being better off now that they have "aid" with the moronic response of former President Bush to a reporter's question about blame (he said "The President can take it."), it makes me shudder.
I was never a fan of the Presidents Bush. But I never thought they were so frigging out of touch.
Don't bother writing the White House with your outrage. Write your local newspaper editors - they are the only ones earning the public's trust.
And speaking of the public trust: Props to Lou Dobbs for taking on the issue of using the word "refugee."
to take refuge, from Latin refugium: one that flees; especially : a person
who flees to a foreign country or power to escape danger or persecution
One that flees. Yes, there is a political overtone to the use of the word relative to the Levee Disaster... that's why the pols are freaking out about it.
And lastly - from the report that disheartens me beyond anything:
Opinions varied widely, however, on the response of federal, state and local
officials regarding Katrina. Forty-two percent of respondents characterized
President Bush's response to the disaster as "bad" or "terrible," while 35
percent said it was "good" or "great."
Federal government agencies' response
was described as "bad" or "terrible" by 42 percent, and "good" or "great" by 35
percent. State and local officials' response was described as "bad" or
"terrible" by 35 percent and "good" or "great" by 37 percent.
also disagreed widely on who is to blame for the problems in the city following
the hurricane -- 13 percent said Bush, 18 percent said federal agencies, 25
percent blamed state or local officials and 38 percent said no one is to blame.
And 63 percent said they do not believe anyone at federal agencies responsible for handling emergencies should be fired as a result.
Apparently I should have gone the federal route for my job career. Sounds damn near impossible to get fired.