Tuesday, February 24, 2009

It's the economy, stupid.

James Carville and George Stephanopoulos kept candidate Clinton on message by reminding themselves the campaign was about the economy. (And two other messages, btw.)

And now we are back there... it's the economy, stupid. Specifically, the pump of credit into the economy needs to be primed.

This reminds me of the melting ice caps, pumping fresh water into the oceans and disrupting the flow of salt water. If the oceanic currents are disrupted, global warming will catapult into

"...(E)xcessive amounts of freshwater dumped into the North Atlantic could alter seawater density and, in time, affect the flow of the North Atlantic ocean current. (Global warming has boosted freshwater runoff in the form of glacier meltwater and additional precipitation...)." NatGeo
Banks lending money is the economic equivalent. But here's where I stumble: What if the economy is in a re-set mode, where we spend less, save more, rent instead of own, and live within our means going forward? Are we propping up a dying economic model?

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