Saturday, October 04, 2008

choices, choices

I started making some choices for the renovation yesterday. Should've done this 2 weeks ago but the designer was "too busy" that day. More on her later.

So first up: The bathroom. Gut reno, but keeping the tub.

before pics show the grossness. Blue-sky paint (super thick, btw - it must have been from the 70s. I remember that gloopy thick paint. It may have to be sand-blasted off. The floor has the iconic NYC pattern from the 30s. Wall tile is exactly the perfect shade of bland.

The vanity is unfortunately going to be a casualty of this reno. It was purchased brand-new when the owner's estate started upgrading the place for sale a couple of years ago, and has never self-actualized. And god willing, it never will.

Note also the dual-controls for the tub and shower faucets. I have to wonder why the shower head controls were placed so low. If you're going to the trouble of having dual controls, why not put the shower controls higher? No matter... I'm going with a single control.

On to the choices:

I was planning on getting a vanity for storage, but I can't find the perfect one. I'm starting to lean toward a pedastal sink, something with ledge-sides. I don't like the simple-rim ones, but I don't like the ornate architectural ledges either. Something simple and blocky. Straight lines. You could say I'm pretty square.
Now... on to the designer. You could say we have a client relationship problem. We could have done all of the choices when I walked in to the store (to be unnamed to protect their otherwise stellar reputation), but she was "too busy" that day. The contractor measured the space 10 days ago - she still hasn't gotten the measurements. (Her first response: "I don't have email." Which I then re-translated to her as "You mean you haven't received the email yet?" and she said "Yes - that's what I said.")
I can't understand a damn word she says, and the liberal in me (the dying-on-the-inside liberal in me) is committed to getting this done with her as proof of my committement to diversity. But... I have to say... it's getting harder and harder. She's a pain in the ass. That transcends diversity, in my opinion.
She wanted to start with kitchen options, and I told her (after a controlled rant about time-is-money and you have no respect for my time) that the kitchen is the last thing I care about. I need the place habitable by the end of October. And by "end of October" I mean the 25th because then I have to move within a 5-day window. Classic line: "Can you guarantee it's going to be done by then?" No answer. Because... wait for it.. she doesn't have the measurements, and doesn't know how much material to order!
I also chose wide-plank hickory hardwood in an espresso stain for the main room, hall and kitchen. Still choosing the specific wall colors - but I'm going to go with a brownish khaki on the walls. Overall palette will be brown khaki, black accents and white trim.
Comments are welcome!

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