The new apartment (as opposed to The Old Apartment by Bare Naked Ladies) is a postage stamp of a place in Hell's Kitchen. The main room (pictured right) is roughly 12x16 feet. The things on the windows are a crude security measure. Even though it's on the fourth floor, you can't be too same. (Broken broom handles taped to the glass, jimmying the window.)
The floor is laminate parquet tile (gross) and the subfloor is hopefully in good shape, though it does bow in the middle about an inch.
I feared the walls would require all new drywall - but turns out they're plaster and only need a good chemical wash.
BACKSTORY: Legend has it that the owner (let's call her Mary) lived there happily since the 40s. She took ill in the early 90s and moved to Florida, where she passed away in 2001 or 02. The apartment had been wrapped up in the estate settlement since then, and had actually been close to selling about 3 years ago. Mary's family went so far as to buy a new toilet and sink/vanity for the bathroom, but hadn't even had time to install it before the seller backed out of the deal. So Mary's family just stopped updating the place.
... well... somehow, a SQUATTER found his way in and made himself a nice home there, even bringing in a full size refrigerator (thoughtfully placing it in the main room). But there was no running water (the sink having never been hooked up). That didn't stop him from using the toilet, though. yuck.
So I have to get HazMat in to clean the place.
And the funny thing is: I've had to hire HazMat before! Story to come....
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