Sarah Palin pronounces "Alaska" like it's a triumph, not a state. ah-lass-KAH! What if I started pronouncing our President's name like that? o-bah-MAH!
I don't really get people who talk through smiles. What's to be so damn happy about all the time? It reminds me of empty-headed PR drones, like (interestingly enough) Palin's spokesperson Meg Whatever. Wait - Meg actually reminds me of sar-RAH! On and on... and I've talked to enough reporters to know that when you go on auto-pilot (as a PR person), you SOUND like you're on auto-pilot. Sometimes, if you have a good relationship and reputation with the reporter, he/she has the human decency to forgive you - but you always get blasted in print. And you always lose a little cred with your reporter. But Palin and Team Palin don't care, or at least they don't look like they care. RUDE!
When I give Phoebe Cats a special treat, like canned salmon food, she gets all hunter-like, hovering over the dish and looking at me out of the corner of her eye. Then, when she's done, she walks around like she's taken down the big game. Like she's saying, "Yeah, that's right. I ate it. So what? What are you looking at?" And then she sleeps for 3 hours.
Men stand more than women on the subway. It's the last refuge of chivarly.
OMG Orrin Hatch is STILL in the Senate? Holy sweet baby Jesus. At least we now have Sessions from ALABAMA to add character and accent. (and shout out to Dick Durbin from ILL! Homies say hey!)
Ok - I'm liking Sotomayor. And I like to pronounce it "SOTO May-er," like it's Jewish. Ish.
Candy Crowley on CNN is losing major weight and is looking GOOD. Shout out!
I'm wondering how long I should keep my Twitter avatar shaded in green for Freedom in Iran... How long should mourning be for freedom of speech? Maybe I'll be the last to go non-green. That fits because I'm lazy and idealistic.
The Co-op Board asked me to join the Board. That's kind of cool, right?
You need a job or a hobby. What is it that you do all day long?