Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Ricci Case

So Sotomayor is being grilled on her "wise Latina" statement and my thoughts turn to Ricci. So here's my thing: If a white guy and a black guy and a latino guy are up for the same job, and say the white guy scores more on the test, but the black guy is close and maybe the latino is a distant third, but the guys he's supposed to lead respect him the most...
Here's what I would do.
I'd ask the white guy: "Have you ever used a racial slur?"
I'd ask the black guy: "Have you ever used a racial slur?"
I'd ask the latino guy: "Have you ever used a racial slur?"
And I'd base my decision on their answers.
And that's all I have to say about that.

1 comment:

  1. I'd ask: are you are supporter of unions? Or are you a union buster? Someone who plots and lies to weaken the democratic collective voice of the workers? Someone who can be bought by a few beads to turn against fellow workers?

    That's what I'd ask.
