Thursday, December 31, 2009

Thursday, December 24, 2009

New York state of mind

I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the following:
* The best co-workers and clients I've ever had
* My talented and beautiful sisters, my charming brother, and my happily re-married Dad and his wife Alice
* Living in New York
* Phoebe Cats
* The genius of Neal Stephenson
* Twitter
* The perspective that only turning 40 years old brings
* Chopt

I'm also very happy that I quit smoking, rocked a couple of quotes this year, and nailed a couple of big things at work. And I really like this picture, from Chasing Light, taken at the impromptu snowball fight in Times Square on Dec. 19, 2009:

Thursday, November 26, 2009


I think it really all started with last year's election of President Obama. I mean, seriously... I have never in my life felt so good about the American voting public in my entire life. I spent the night amazed and crying and happy.
I (thoguht I) knew it wouldn't last.
'Cept here we are, a year-plus later and it's lasted. Only here's the thing... it's spread. Like the cliche-hacked wildfire.
And now I'm working on a project at work that's all about doing the right thing and being good and how cool is it to work at place that cares about that stuff.
So now I'm going to Thanksgiving dinner and all of this "I'm thankful for" twittering stuff has me all weepy but I'll get over it enough to consume 5,000 calories.
Happy Thanksgiving!
(I may, or may not, write a list of what I'm thankful for later, but in the meantime, I'm thankful for fuzzy blue sweaters and Yaz's "Only You.")

Monday, August 17, 2009

I love the Olds Peoples

I don't even know how I'm related to this person, but this message was from Henrietta to my great-aunt Ann. Both ladies are in their 90s. The wedding Henrietta is referring to is my Dad's - he got married this weekend. He's 72.

I just know you are going to have a good time at
the wedding. Does his family like the new Step=mother. My little neighbor just
came over to see me and she is practically blind but so kind and her sister who
lives with her is 90 but the one that come over is just getting over the Flu and
she brought me over a piece of Icecream cake and some chocolate
cookies. She was a Nurse but only worked for a Dr. all those years and to be
honest with you if anyone ever asked her anything about any cold or any simple
question she was never capable of answering it - she would admit she just dont
know. Most of my other nurse friends would give a person a suggestion what to
do. I met her at the front door and she said here I will take this to the
kitchen for you I said O.K. follow me so you dont fall and shut the door so it
wont get hot in the house. I have four new A/C's on this floor - we have to have
the window ones all these years because we have Steam Heat. But Rosemary she
said Oh no I am not staying. She sat down on a chair right in front the A/C and
I knew it was a very cold spot to sit at so I turned off the A/C about 30
minutes later I told her I just had to turn it on because I was getting very
short of breath -and about that time a big clap of thunder came to my rescue so
she decided to leave before she got wet. My Icecream was half melted and
went on the cookies . ha ha I sure dont sound very grateful -but I do appreciate
having them for my neighbors all these years since we lived here. She is
85 If Ann reads this she will say thats the Red Hair Temper
flaring in Omaha or the Irish sounding off. ha ha Oh well she is a kind
little person but I think age and being blind is hard on her. Well I blew
off steam long enough dear.-Thanks for writing Sweetie.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Ricci Case

So Sotomayor is being grilled on her "wise Latina" statement and my thoughts turn to Ricci. So here's my thing: If a white guy and a black guy and a latino guy are up for the same job, and say the white guy scores more on the test, but the black guy is close and maybe the latino is a distant third, but the guys he's supposed to lead respect him the most...
Here's what I would do.
I'd ask the white guy: "Have you ever used a racial slur?"
I'd ask the black guy: "Have you ever used a racial slur?"
I'd ask the latino guy: "Have you ever used a racial slur?"
And I'd base my decision on their answers.
And that's all I have to say about that.

Monday, July 13, 2009

random observations

Sarah Palin pronounces "Alaska" like it's a triumph, not a state. ah-lass-KAH! What if I started pronouncing our President's name like that? o-bah-MAH!

I don't really get people who talk through smiles. What's to be so damn happy about all the time? It reminds me of empty-headed PR drones, like (interestingly enough) Palin's spokesperson Meg Whatever. Wait - Meg actually reminds me of sar-RAH! On and on... and I've talked to enough reporters to know that when you go on auto-pilot (as a PR person), you SOUND like you're on auto-pilot. Sometimes, if you have a good relationship and reputation with the reporter, he/she has the human decency to forgive you - but you always get blasted in print. And you always lose a little cred with your reporter. But Palin and Team Palin don't care, or at least they don't look like they care. RUDE!

When I give Phoebe Cats a special treat, like canned salmon food, she gets all hunter-like, hovering over the dish and looking at me out of the corner of her eye. Then, when she's done, she walks around like she's taken down the big game. Like she's saying, "Yeah, that's right. I ate it. So what? What are you looking at?" And then she sleeps for 3 hours.

Men stand more than women on the subway. It's the last refuge of chivarly.

OMG Orrin Hatch is STILL in the Senate? Holy sweet baby Jesus. At least we now have Sessions from ALABAMA to add character and accent. (and shout out to Dick Durbin from ILL! Homies say hey!)

Ok - I'm liking Sotomayor. And I like to pronounce it "SOTO May-er," like it's Jewish. Ish.

Candy Crowley on CNN is losing major weight and is looking GOOD. Shout out!

I'm wondering how long I should keep my Twitter avatar shaded in green for Freedom in Iran... How long should mourning be for freedom of speech? Maybe I'll be the last to go non-green. That fits because I'm lazy and idealistic.

The Co-op Board asked me to join the Board. That's kind of cool, right?

Monday, July 06, 2009

I already am

I *am* the 40-year-old my 30-year-old self wanted me to be.
I live in New York. I'm going PR for a major airline. I own my apartment.
Now that I think about it, I'm exceeding my 20-year-old self's expectations.
(note: I never NEVER expected to be married, let alone have kids - so on that score I'm even)

So now I'm 40, having exceeded my wildest expectations, and I'm thinking, What do I want for my 60-year-old self?


So here goes:

Unless I hit the lottery (again - only literally this time), I'm thinking I want to run a little business by the beach. Or in the mountains. Somewhere off the grid. Except I want internet. And the little business?

> Could be a little cafe.
> Could be a B&B.
> Could be I just save every penny I make an retire without needing to work!

Ok - so I've always thought I'd end up in Italy, but lately, I'm thinking Central or South America. OMG I could retire now on my savings for 2 years and figure out what I want to do if I went to Latin America. (Nevermind the frigging politics in Hondorus, ok?)

So I have a little project for the next couple of months! First - start traveling the region, then settle on a place. And then: buy real estate.

Yay for projects!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

We're not open yet

Dateline: My apartment, last Saturday.
Cleaning like a madwoman, and I had to take my laundry in because I was on travel most of the following week. Lugged 30 pounds of laundry - OY! - down the 4 flights of stairs and saw that the sketchy laundromat across the street was open. Rather than walking ALL THE WAY OVER to Ninth Ave (all of 25 feet), I thought, "Screw it." and walked in to Sketchy Laundry and dumped the bag on the floor.
Before I could even really understand what was happening, the Chinese lady had swiped my credit card ($27.70 in case you're wondering). That's when things got interesting:
Me: "Uhm... So I can pick this up tomorrow around noon?"
Her: "WHA? No no no we naht ope~ yet."
Me: "Ok - well that's not going to work. I'll have to take it to the laundry on Ninth."
Her: "But you already pay! Credit card slip already!"
Me: "I'll take cash back."
Her: "Already rung! Already pay! You pick up on Monday."
Me: "No no no - that's not going to work."
Three people walk in to the laundry to pick up their clothes. I tell her to wait on them - I'll wait until they're served. The whole time she's getting their clothes, she's yelling at me:
"Sunday! We're naht open yet!"until finally, as the last person is being served, I turn into George Costanza:
Me: "YES. GOT IT. MY BAD. MY FAULT. Just give me my money back." at which point the other customer looks at me (in my I've-been-cleaning-and-I'm-kind-of-a-mess look) and high tails it outta there.
So now it's just her and me again. She calls the owner.
And this is what it sounded like. Enjoy.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Broke another glass

What the hell is up with the rash of broken glass in my humble abode lately? Started with a shattered glass while doing dishes about 2 weeks ago. Then another water glass broke - I knocked it with a another plate or something. And then my window shattered into a million little pieces - yes, MY WINDOW - and today, another frigging glass broke while... wait for it... doing the dishes.
I am open to interpretation on this rash of shatterings. Oh - and if you know a good window replacement guy in NYC that will do apartments above the third floor - let me know. Apparently, it's a big freaking deal.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

music for the quiet times

Here are some random stupid thoughts. Psychiatrists are welcome to analyze.

  • love the "Genius" on iTunes. don't love the delay synching to the mother ship when i open iTunes.
  • i've never really gotten into "Lost."
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix shows up as "Phoenix" on your artist list on iTunes. Loves them.
  • These allergies are making me sad.
  • i'm reading "Team of Rivals" as well as "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man."
  • i think I'm at a cross roads in my life. Only i don't see any road signs.
  • Phoebe Cats has been very vocal lately.
  • i think i have an over-developed sense of betrayal.
  • i absent-mindedly reached for a cigarette today. which scared the living BLEEP out of me. (quit Oct 13 2008)
  • i keep waiting for my ears to pop but they won't. it's like tinnitus but more like swimmer's ear. in a word, YUCK.

And that about sums it up.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

UPDATE! Bring it ON, Losers!

And you thought the Ashton v CNN twattle was hot... Looks like @usdemocrats is run by a raging lunatic. First- @MHJohnston kinda-sorta retweeted my link about Bad Twitter User!, so he's targeted by the certified krazy that is @usdemocrats. Check out the middle-of-the-night rant from loony tunes, who apparently Simply Cannot Believe that a true Democrat would Even Dare to suggest their editorial use of Twitter was *gasp* BAD.

usdemocrats@MHJohnston @SkyWriter012 and carrying soap on a rope from web in reply to MHJohnston
usdemocrats@MHJohnston @SkyWriter012 or maybe republicans are sore cuz they seem to be alot of them recently wearing orange jumpsuits from web in reply to MHJohnston
usdemocrats@MHJohnston @SkyWriter012 republicans seem to be a bunch of sore losers who cant accept that being benevolent and not a criminal is proper from web in reply to MHJohnston
usdemocrats@MHJohnston @SkyWriter012 then change when they realize theyre up the creek without a paddle from web in reply to MHJohnston
usdemocrats@MHJohnston @SkyWriter012 or maybe they can share how they conceed to getting their party hijacked by criminals and turn a blind eye from web in reply to MHJohnston
usdemocrats@MHJohnston @SkyWriter012 keep you entertained and living in fraudulent ignorant bliss from web in reply to MHJohnston
usdemocrats@MHJohnston @SkyWriter012 rather than sharing of info from various departments for coop synergy, maybe you should try and find repub feeds from web in reply to MHJohnston
usdemocrats@SkyWriter012 republicans typically seem to prefer living in lala land and a world of ignorance and secrecy and defrauding the public.. from web in reply to SkyWriter012

Dear @usdemocrats,
I'm a Democrat, you numbnuts. Jesus, all you have to do is read my Twitter feed to see where I fall on the spectrum, but let me save you the trouble; I AM YOUR BASE, ASSHOLE. Do all us Democrats a favor and self-eject from the Twitterverse. You are so lame.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bad Twitter User!

Twitter is awesome. But now that it's gone mainstream, some accounts are proving that they just don't "get" how Twitter works. Take @usdemocrats, for example. I subscribed because I'm interested in political news. I also happen to be a Democrat. But they treat Twitter like it's a press release distribution channel.
FLAG DOWN ON THE PLAY, @usdemocrats. Issuing 60 or 70 tweets at once is spam. Or twam. Or whatever. So when it's pointed out to you, don't be a douche, k? Great.
This is @usdemocrats response:

@SkyWriter012 if you prefer, we'll stop informing of important public messages you let us know and we'll unsubscribe your subscription.about 6 hours ago from web in reply to SkyWriter012

FOR THE RECORD, @usdemocrats issued 66 tweets en masse around 0700ET today. (list below, so you can judge for yourself the usefulness of their editorial judgment when it comes to “informing of important public messages.” Jeesh.
ALSO: Any Twitter account that has issued 14k tweets is a little suspect, imho.
- - - -
Here's the list of 66 important public-informing messages @usdemocrats issued this morning at 0700ET:

Minneapolis Press Releases for Federal Bureau of Investigation updated 6 hours ago from

Cincinnati Press Releases for Federal Bureau of Investigation updated 6 hours ago from

Oklahoma City Press Releases for Federal Bureau of Investigation updated 6 hours ago from

St. Louis Press Releases for Federal Bureau of Investigation updated 6 hours ago from

New Haven Press Releases for Federal Bureau of Investigation updated 6 hours ago from

Cleveland Press Releases for Federal Bureau of Investigation updated 6 hours ago from

The Department of Justice Mission in Iraq for U.S. Department of Justice updated 6 hours ago from

Jacksonville Press Releases for Federal Bureau of Investigation updated 6 hours ago from

Dallas Press Releases for Federal Bureau of Investigation updated 6 hours ago from

DOT Secretary's Blog - Welcome to the Fast Lane for Department of Transportation 6 hours ago from

TRICARE4U "Prompts" Users to Change Passwords 6 hours ago from

EVENT: May 21 in Santa Clara, CA - Technology Controls 6 hours ago from

EVENT: May 19-20 in Santa Clara, CA - Complying with US Export Controls 6 hours ago from

EVENT: May 6-7 in Newport Beach, CA - Complying with US Export Controls 6 hours ago from

EVENT: April 22-23 in Portland, OR - Complying with US Export Controls 6 hours ago from

WB - Women's Bureau - Publications for United States Department of Labor updated 6 hours ago from

Cyber Security Alert SA09-104A: Microsoft Updates for Multiple Vulnerabilities 6 hours ago from

Breaking News for The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives updated 6 hours ago from

Customs Inspector Guilty of Drug Trafficking, Alien Smuggling, and Bribery 6 hours ago from

Today's top Air Force stories posted: 6 hours ago from

U.S. Customs and Border Protection Trade News 6 hours ago from

New Requirements for Imports of Food Products Containing Small Amounts of Meat or Poultry 6 hours ago from

CBP Rehired Annuitant Announcement 6 hours ago from

U.S. Customs and Border Protection: Trade 6 hours ago from

Online Poll for NASA's Greatest Hits for Earth Begins Today 6 hours ago from

Eight More Counties Qualify for Federal Public Assistance 6 hours ago from

@SkyWriter012 if you prefer, we'll stop informing of important public messages you let us know and we'll unsubscribe your subscription.about 6 hours ago from web in reply to SkyWriter012

Idaho Young Democrats invites you to "National Day of Silence 2009" on Friday, April 17 at 12:00am 6 hours ago from

Deputy Secretary Lute to Visit the Northern Border and Canada 6 hours ago from

VIDEO: Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) 6 hours ago from

VIDEO: American Enterprise Institute Discussion on Maritime Security 6 hours ago from

VIDEO: State Department Press Briefing Tues April 14, 2009 6 hours ago from

VIDEO:White House Briefing with Press Secretary Robert Gibbs Tues Apr 14 2009 6 hours ago from

Biden Hosts Conference Calls with Governors and Local Officials to Discuss Recovery Act Implementation, 4/14/09 6 hours ago from

Fact Sheet - Reaching out to the Cuban people 6 hours ago from

Vice President Biden to Travel to Missouri; Will Highlight Progress of the Recovery Act, Hold Middle Class Task Force Meeting http://pin ...about 6 hours ago from

President Obama, VP Joe Biden, Transportation Sec LaHood Announce 2,000th Transportation Project Under Economic Recovery Act http://ping ...about 6 hours ago from

Statement by the President on the Rescue of Captain Phillips 6 hours ago from

Statement by the President on the Month of the Military Child 6 hours ago from

“The House Upon a Rock” 6 hours ago from

Reaching Out to the Cuban People 6 hours ago from

WHITE HOUSE: The 2,000th Project 6 hours ago from

Briefing by White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, 4-14-09 6 hours ago from

Press Briefing on the President's Trip to Mexico and Trinidad and Tobago 6 hours ago from

COMMENTS REQUESTED: The Sikh Coalition v. The U.S Army - Sikhs not allowed to wear turban while serving 6 hours ago from

The Young Democrats of Georgia 2009 State Convention Registration Closing Soon! 6 hours ago from

Cornell University eLab Open House April 24th at 5pm 6 hours ago from

National Cyber Alert System Technical Cyber Security Alert TA09-104A: Microsoft Updates for Multiple Vulnerabilities 6 hours ago from

President Obama Announces More Key Administration Posts 6 hours ago from

Today in the Department of Defense, 4/15/2009 6 hours ago from

VACANCY: Supervisory Program Specialist (Enterprise Performance Analysis), GS-0301-13 FEMA 6 hours ago from

US-CERT Current Activity: US Tax Season and Phishing Scams 6 hours ago from

Homeland Security Leadership Journal for U.S. Department of Homeland Security 6 hours ago from

US-CERT Current Activity: Microsoft Releases April Security Bulletin Summary 6 hours ago from

DoD News Briefing with Col. Volesky from Iraq 6 hours ago from

House Majority Statement on President Obama's Address on the Economy 6 hours ago from

U.S. Department of State eTrace: Internet-based Firearms Tracing and Analysis 6 hours ago from

U.S. Department of State Western Hemisphere Participation in eTrace 6 hours ago from

U.S. Department of State Remarks at the Haiti Donors Conference 6 hours ago from

C-SPAN Programming Information for Tues. 4/14 - Weds. 4/15, 2009 6 hours ago from


New Attorney Vacancies for U.S. Department of Justice posted 6 hours ago from

U.S. Department of State Remarks With Georgian Foreign Minister Grigol Vashadze Before Their Meeting 6 hours ago from

U.S. Department of State : Daily Press Briefing - April 14 6 hours ago from

NASA Spacecraft Show Three Dimensional Anatomy of a Solar Storm 6 hours ago from

NASA New Space Station Module Name Honors Apollo 11 Anniversary 6 hours ago from

Friday, March 27, 2009

things are changing rapidly

It's been just short of 100 days for President Obama, and I am still totally, completely in the bag for him. I try to imagine what it's like to work in the White House Communications office.... how completely awesome it is that you have a "client" who not only understands new media, but knows how and when to use it.
I probably would not have pushed for a virtual Town Hall (held yesterday), fearing oversaturation. But this President may not accept the premise of oversaturation - he's everywhere, all of the time. Gotta dig that. But is this level of accessibility sustainable? (If the W.H. Comms office needs extra help - call me!)

I"m pretty good at doing nothing

I took this week off from work in order to vanquish the chaos from my house, and in between doing real heavy lifting, I discovered I'm pretty good at doing absolutely nothing. I may be the laziest person on the planet. Certainly I'm the laziest person in New York.
I took a great video of Phoebe, though - so I've done one awesome thing this week!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Almost Home

One step closer...

Hope a few more steps are taken tomorrow, cuz I'm moving in on Friday!

Here's the kitchen. OMG i love the paint color - edgecomb gray (Benjamin Moore). The fridge is still not in, but whatevs.

Look at the pretty microwave/convection oven!

LOOK! It's a terlit! It's the FOURTH terlit! And it's the world's smallest toilet. LOTS of legroom now.
The painters half-assed the burning hot pipe painting but it could be the crappy paint I bought.
I'll have to go over it a couple more times to make it white.

Proof that I own the world's smallest toilet. And the same edgecomb gray in the bathroom - makes it feel serene.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

It's the economy, stupid.

James Carville and George Stephanopoulos kept candidate Clinton on message by reminding themselves the campaign was about the economy. (And two other messages, btw.)

And now we are back there... it's the economy, stupid. Specifically, the pump of credit into the economy needs to be primed.

This reminds me of the melting ice caps, pumping fresh water into the oceans and disrupting the flow of salt water. If the oceanic currents are disrupted, global warming will catapult into

"...(E)xcessive amounts of freshwater dumped into the North Atlantic could alter seawater density and, in time, affect the flow of the North Atlantic ocean current. (Global warming has boosted freshwater runoff in the form of glacier meltwater and additional precipitation...)." NatGeo
Banks lending money is the economic equivalent. But here's where I stumble: What if the economy is in a re-set mode, where we spend less, save more, rent instead of own, and live within our means going forward? Are we propping up a dying economic model?

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Capitalism is intent on its own destruction

I'm trying to riddle out something someone told me a long time ago: "Capitalism is destructive. It extracts value from things; it doesn't add value."
At the time, I wasn't really interested in having *any* discussion with this person and certainly not a political-economic discussion, but it stuck with me. And it's come back to haunt me lately.

Spurred on by my sister, who is in the financial world, I'm starting to consciously embrace the conspiracy theories that:
1. We (America) are under attack.
2. The genius of this attack is that we think we're doing this to ourselves.
3. Nothing less than the future of democracy is at stake.

Now, I'm not saying I completely agree with the above - I'm just sayin'... it's worth thinking about.

1. We are under attack.
Currency can be a weapon, especially if you can manipulate and devalue it. Say we want to destroy Communism. We have the bomb, they have the bomb - mutally assured destruction. But we could drive the price of oil up (since it's traded in US$) and make them pay more. We could do a lot of things to stop or interrupt the flow of capital in and out of Communist countries.

2. The genius of this attack is that we think we're doing this to ourselves.
We are primed to hate Wall Street and money-bag CEOs. It's their fault, right? Oh yeah - and predatory lenders, too. But what about the janitor who took out a $500,000 mortgage? Isn't he to blame, too, for borrowing more than he could reasonably afford?
This is where the attack, if there is one, is absolute genius. Because maybe Capitalism is intent on its own destruction after all? If you live in a Capitalist environment, it's just downright patriotic to want the house, the car, the college for your kids, the annual vacation to Orlando, and all the knick knacks from QVC you can buy.
But what if this is just some ultimate form of jujitsu, where our weaknesses are being used against us? Add a measure of currency manipulation and viola!

3. Nothing less than the future of democracy is at stake.
Maybe this is a good time to remind folks that democracy and capitalism are separate things. We can have democracy without capitalism. We'll have a thousand little city-states, but we'll have democracy.
Except we don't have democracy now. We have a republic. So maybe the city-states will be a little bigger. Let's say, for the sake of discussion, we separate into countries along state lines.
But why are we even talking about the dissolution of the union? Well - without capitalism driving our economy, we won't have a good reason to remain a union. Why would the monied Coasts support the poor South or Midwest? Why should the South help support the cold North in the winter by sending fruit and veg? We're going to hoard what we have and defend it.
In this post-democratic USA, I see the Madison Avenue American Spirit rising up to our own version of mutually assured destructions. Austin will want to secede from Texas. Vermont won't have a government at all, and will be ripe for plunder. Montana will be one big unibomber nation - but you just KNOW they're going to survive. They've been practicing for this forever.

Man, this would make a great novel. Too bad it may actually be happening.

Friday, January 30, 2009

terlit (redux)

See that blue pipe? It's one million degrees when the radiator heat goes on. Which is every five minutes.

See the toilet? It's about 2.5 inches away from the Burning Pipe.


I'm shopping for another toilet.

And that's all I'm gonna say about that.

...except one more thing:

In order to install a round-front toilet for a 12-inch rough out that does not extend more than 25 inches from the wall, I had to do have this done to the new tile to plumb for a tank-and-bowl do-hicky. Bye bye flushometer!

Nice vanity, though, right?

Friday, January 09, 2009

the terlit story

I ordered a toilet. It came. Cracked.

They took it back.

I ordered a replacement. From a sketchy place in Midtown.

I spoke in code. Per instructions.

The toilet came. Cracked.

They took it back.

I ordered another toilet.

It came.

Not cracked.

But the wrong color.

I'm keeping it.

And that's the story of the toilet.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

it's coming together

This is all about the pics, folks.

It's pretty amazing!