Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Signs of Life Returning

I realized tonight that I'm on approach to life as normal. I'm at home, hacking away on my laptop trying to get approvals on statements and releases and all that... and watching TV of course. And tonight I remembered to turn on Comedy Central in time for The Daily Show - my succor. Since Katrina, I've been glued to CNN, Fox and MSNBC every night.
And the office environment is getting back on track, too. I've been sucked into the vortex created by Katrina, vainly trying to keep all the other balls in the air, but today I finally had two minutes down time - enough to select a CD to blast as my soundtrack for the all-encompassing e-mail management duty. (U2's How to Build an Atomic Bomb AND Best of Van Halen - Sammy Years only, please.)
My remaining Katrina duties are now nicely prioritized on my to-do list.
But it struck me that I hope I don't lose the feeling of urgency Katrina created... the urgency to DO SOMETHING. SAY SOMETHING. That's what drove me to start this blog again. We need more voices out there.
And maybe it's not so bad that life is returning to normal, if we can start speaking and listening calmly and collectively.

Another sign of normalcy: Office Games! Word of the Day contest!
How to Play:
Get a group of willing conspirators.
Sign up for e-mail word of the day from
Every morning, check the word of the day. You must use that word appropriately in a meeting, hallway conversation, or conference call.
First person in the conspiracy to use it appropriately wins! (Must be documented by another conspiracy member. - Honor system based on game theory here.)

For those of you in the PR/Communications biz - He or she who gets quoted in the paper or internal communications using the word wins!

Send your Word of the Day results in!


  1. Sammy years?? Whaaaa??? DAVID LEE ROTH!!!

    By the way, I hear DLR is short and bald now. But I bet he's still a cutie!

  2. What about us not in PR? I got quizzed by a high school sophomore on her vocab test and got exactly 1 out 5 definitions right. I was in the ballpark for 3 others, and sedulous threw me completely for a loop.
